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Join the Circle of Wealth Creation


We live in a new age, with change catalysed by new technologies. This, in turn, leads to new networks, new relationships, and new investments. These are the realities that define The Circle’s principles:


  • People come first, capital second.

  • Trust is at the heart of everything we do.

  • We embrace creativity and courage.

What is the CIRCLE?

We are already one of the world's leading "clubs" by the accumulated wealth of our members - tens of billions - and by their positions - chairmen and managers of some of the most influential global organizations and corporations.


Joining the CIRCLE is by invitation only. There is no cost, nor do we accept any product or service fees from our network. Within it, we share our ideas and proposals to enrich and educate our members - a simple, transparent business model that relies on success as its proof point.

Our mission

We exist to foster a dynamic network of like-minded individuals and develop the necessary interactions and tools we need to thrive in the face of uncertainty.


We are devoted to the ambitious mission of transforming the financial industry and empowering the individual investor. In an environment where physical events and meetings are no longer the norms, we have reimagined how the investment industry connects.

We believe that success in investing requires more than just capital, but significant technical and market knowledge expertise. We offer guidance to members and sponsors in the complex and unwieldy world of regional and global markets for UHNWI, Family Offices, Asset, and Wealth Managers.

The Bonart Circle of Wealth Creation offers a new perspective on networking - a new way of forging strong relationships built on a foundation of mutual benefit and trust.


In the past, wealth-building relationships tended to be founded around existing communities like universities, associations, clubs, or companies - and as such were exclusive, but limited. The opportunities to be found within were constrained by their natural boundaries. The Circle is different.

Are you ready to join the CIRCLE?



(topics you need to know)



(financial innovations)



(password required)

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